Monday, August 1, 2016

Lydia doesn't...

People are thrilled when their child crawls, cruises, walks, learns the stairs, runs and jumps.  I will be too, I just have longer to wait.  

Lydia has low muscle tone in her legs due to laying in a bed the first 3 months of her life.  She was missing out on tummy time and rolling.  So when we finally got to tummy time and rolling, she was missing out on crawling.  We went through this with her arm strength already and we got there.  

Lydia thinks she is playing, I hope, but she works all day long, every day, on exercises that help her learn these skills and build the muscles to do them on her own.  If she's not sleeping, she's learning how to crawl, kneel, pull up, sit, stand, etc.  It's kind of like drills or calisthenics.  It's all a lesson and I just hope she thinks it is fun.  

Lydia doesn't crawl.   
Lydia doesn't cruise.  
Lydia doesn't walk. 

Lydia does try her hardest.
Lydia does practice everyday.
Lydia does have determination.

Lydia will crawl.  We have silly shorts that are building muscle tone in her legs.
Lydia will cruise.  We found her pulled up at the coffee table last night.  All on her own!
Lydia will walk.  We are taking one step at a time and will reach that milestone soon.


  1. Yes...Yes she will!!! The greatest things take the most time....keep showing us all how it's done Lydia!!

  2. She'll do all of those things and so much more! She's such a sweetheart!! Just give her time.


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...