Friday, August 5, 2016

Doctors Galore!

We've visited a lot of doctors in the past two weeks and we have nothing but good news to report from all of them.

Tuesday the 26th: Carrie and Dana came from Infant and Toddler Services.  They are Lydia's Occupational Therapist and Dietitian.  Lydia is doing well with all her exercises and tastes, and it is still a daily necessity to work on all her exercises. These will help her crawl, sit/stand, cruise, climb and walk.  She's growing and gaining weight!  We have no transferred her to a blended baby food diet.  This means she has a base a Compleat Pediatric, the whole foods based tubie formula she was on, mixed with salt, avocado oil, vitamin d, baby fruits, baby veggies, baby meat and gravy, and infant oatmeal.  Yuck and Yeah!

Thursday the 28th:  Mom and I took Lydia to the Cleft Palate Clinic where she saw the plastics doc, speech therapist and audiologist.  She babbled for them and did very well in the hearing booth.  There was a slight lose of hearing detected and it could be due to wax build up or fluid.  The cleaned all the gunk out of her ears, which was a lot because her ears are so tiny the wax isn't making it's way to the outer ear.  Lydia was NOT a fan!  It took 2 of us to hold her down while 1 person did the work.  Dr. Goldstein will start talking to ENT and Cardiology about the timing of her palate repair surgery.



Thursday the 28th:  Dan met us at the Broadway clinic and relieved mom from her grandmother duties!  Lydia saw the Optometrist, had her eyes dilated, followed the flashy lights around the room, and was a whiny little munchkin the entire time.  She was HANGRY!  Back home we went and all was good.

Monday, August 1st:  Cardiology day!  Dan and Lydia met me at the College Boulevard clinic and we saw Dr. Shah.  She was a super good girl during the echo and EKG, thanks to dad's whistling, the nurses signing, and mom's willingness to press the button on the spinning toys repeatedly.  Dr. Shah is still impressed with the repairs of both surgeries, the muscle tone and the blood flow.


Thursday, August 4th: Riggs, family of 3, headed downtown to see the Home Vent team in the Special Care clinic.  Everyone was impressed with her growth, weight gain, new diet, meds, etc.  They were especially impressed with her cheeriness, playfulness and, of course, cheeks and hair.  Lydia received 4 shots.  EEK!  She's a trooper though.  Then we realized the air pressure issue that my dashboard alerted me to on Monday was presenting itself as a nearly flat tire on Thursday.  Oops!  Dan filled it up at QT and immediately headed to the dealership where it was plugged.  YAY!

No more doctors until the middle of September!  Whew!


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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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