Thursday, February 25, 2016

One Week Away

We have one week until Lydia's 2nd Open Heart Surgery.  

The other night we talked about taking Lydia to the library and the dealership.  We talked about having friends over and going to friends houses.  We would love to spend time with family and friends and colleagues, going places and enjoying the sunshine, but we just can't.  We need to keep her in the bubble and make sure she doesn't get any bugs before the surgery.  We'll keep to ourselves just a little longer and hopefully be healed and ready to break out into the big world by April.  Can you tell we have cabin fever like you wouldn't believe?

So, this weekend we hope to have the sunshine the weather folks are predicting.  We will go on walks and have driveway time.  We'll see the neighbors and watch the kids play all along our street.  We have no plans except to spend time together and have fun and smiles.  

Wednesday, March 2nd we go to CMH for our pre-admissions appointment, primarily to meet with the anesthesiologist (by the way, I spelled this right on the first try!) and get pre-op instructions about meds and feedings.  On Wednesday we'll find out if Lydia is Dr. Pastuszko's first or second surgery of the day Thursday.  We will travel back to CMH on Thursday and have the surgery.  I'll be sure to update the blog Thursday night with at least the basics.  

I really can't figure out my emotions about all of this.  I think they'll hit in the moment, however they are going to hit.  It all feels so different from our first surgery.  We've been home and enjoying watching Lydia grow and seeing her personality.  She is such a cool kid!  She is so happy, it's almost as if she knows the day to day stuff is the little stuff.  She hardly sheds a tear, she hardly ever cries.  I can't wait for her to bounce back after surgery and find her strength again.  The smiles she shares and the noises she makes keep my smiling for days. 

After we are home, healed and spring officially hits...and that big ol' jogging stroller won't be able to keep us inside.  Walks!  Grocery Shopping!  Visiting Dad and Mama at work!  Visiting all the libraries!  We're going to run our 5K, we're going to the zoo, we're going wherever we want!  ...with our all equipment and emergency things, of course. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you all tonight and sending T&P for everything to go smoothly on Thursday. Here's to your little fighter!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...