Thursday, February 11, 2016

Needing some pep talks...

I've been needing some pep talks lately.  A lot is going on in all facets of our lives and I've not been making time or space to express my feelings and emotions.  Eventually, they break through one way or another.  Every day I'm just trying to give myself a little time, give Dan a little time, give each other time, space, moments.  We all need to be gracious.  We all need to be loving.  You never know what is going on with someone else, what's happening in their life.  Not everyone knows what is going on my my mind, heart, life, job, family, work, play, etc.  Even though I share and talk about things, there are always filters. Be gentle with each other.  What do we have to lose by doing that?

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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