Thursday, January 21, 2016

Fancy words for a Fancy girl - Subaortic Stenosis

Dr. Shah took Lydia's case to the team of cardiologists, critical care intensivists and cardiothoracic surgeons.  The team agrees that Lydia needs a 2nd open heart surgery which will happen in March.  I know it's the right thing and the only option because this is the same team of doctors that spent every day with my little girl in the PICU for 2.5 months.  I trust them.  They are the best at what they do.

It's becoming more real and I haven't snapped or broken yet.  I get sad.  I cry.  I enjoy every second with her.  She doesn't feel bad and she isn't hurting.  To look at her you would never know my smiling happy baby with the world's best cheeks needs another open heart surgery.  And again, she isn't going to remember any of this. 

It may sound weird but I'm already mentally preparing for weeks in the hospital. Where will Dan and I choose to wait during her operation.  The PICU waiting room?  The Ronald McDonald waiting room?  Remember our last surgery day?  Lauren and Erin brought us fun bevs and Phil brought us lunch.  What will I eat in the cafeteria?  The sweet potato fries are decent.  Do they still have the Roasterie coffee?  They had just switched in August.  How many times will I circle through the gift shop because I need to escape for a moment?  I wonder if the pink castle elevators still breakdown intermittently.  Do my favorite security guards still work there?  I'll miss Dr. Vaughan, he retired.  I'm excited to see Nurse Stephanie, Jennifer, OJ, and Bailey and the many more whose names have left my brain.  The hospital has good ice, it's like Sonic ice.  I hate the parking garage.  Hate is a strong word and in this instance I mean it.

So what is going on with Lydia's heart?  Her interrupted aortic arch, VSD and ASD were repaired.  Yes, and all the repairs are functioning great!  This new thing is something that we knew existed but did not know if it was going to present itself as severe or not.  Subaortic Stenosis is essentially a narrowing right below her aortic valve in her left ventricle.  This is causing the flow of blood to be at a higher pressure and creating more work for the heart muscle.  Thus, it's bulking up.  Not a muscle you want to bulk up.  Clearing out some of the membrane or tissue in the left ventricle will lessen the pressure and allow the muscle to atrophy, which is good in the case of the heart.  That's the simple explanation.  

Below is a little more and then a link to a lot more, still sparing you the articles that her surgeon actually wrote on the matter.  Man, Dr. Peter Pastuszko is one smart man and I thank the good Lord that he is at CMH.  Dan and I have a surgical consult with him next Thursday and will know all the details then.

Borrowed from the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital in Michigan:

Surgery for subvalvar aortic stenosis:Subvalvar stenosis can be caused by a discrete membrane or by thickened muscle. Repair for discrete membranous stenosis is done to prevent damage to the aortic valve and to preserve left ventricular function. An incision is made down the center of the breastbone and the heart is stopped for a brief period of time while a heart-lung bypass machine supports the body. An incision is made in the aorta and the surgeon looks through the valve to visualize the membrane. The membrane is cut away along with a tiny pie shaped wedge of muscle. This is called membrane resection with myectomy and decreases the chances that the membrane will grow back. 

And a link to the full text with illustrations (# 2) of what is happening in Lydia's heart:


  1. I'm sorry to hear your precious girl does have to go into surgery again. It's interesting to hear you talk about your thoughts because I've always thought I'm weird because of what I remember and think about from our time at CMH! We are so thankful for Dr. P and having a great cardiac team close to home. I will be praying for all of you as you take it day by day!

  2. You're right - That parking garage sucks. Praying for Lydia, the docs, and her awesome parents.

  3. Personally I think the drivers in that parking garage just make the experience worse. You guys are in great hands with Dr Peter! Many continued prayers for you all!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...