Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tis the season ... for RSV

Lydia gets her first RSV Vaccine today and will continue to get it once a month for 5 months.  It's a common thing for babies to get, but for Lydia it can be severe and life-threatening. 

 So, I think needless to say, we're getting more strict on the visits and the hand washing.  Just please be honest if you have sick people in your home or if you are sick.  And if you do come visit Lydia, don't even think about touching her before washing your hands and using antibacterial hand gel...which is supplied en masse all over my living room. 

All the information below is borrowed from webmd and the link is provided below.  

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common and highly contagious virus that infects the respiratory tract of most children before their second birthday. For most babies and young children, the infection causes nothing more than a cold. But for a small percentage, infection with the RSV virus can lead to serious problems such as bronchiolitis, which is inflammation of the small airways of the lungs, orpneumonia, which can become life-threatening.

The risk of severe infection is greatest for:
  • Premature infants
  • Children younger than 2 who were born with heart or lung disease
  • Babies and young children whose immune systems are weakened due to illness or medical treatment
  • Children under 8 to 10 weeks of life

The following tips can help prevent the spread of the virus to your baby:
  • Wash your hands frequently, particularly after contact with anyone with cold symptoms.
  • Clean and disinfectant hard surfaces.
  • Do not allow peopleto touch your baby without first washing their hands.
  • Avoid kissing your baby if you have cold symptoms.
  • Keep your baby away from crowds.
  • Do not allow anyone to smoke around your baby.
  • Limit the time high-risk babies and young children stay in day care, particularly from late fall to early spring when RSV is most prevalent.
  • If possible, keep your baby away from anyone, including older siblings, with cold symptoms.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to you! We head to get ours next Wednesday. Prayers that Lydia continues to be healthy this cold and flu season.


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...