Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Having a red headed baby

This.  All of these things.  So true.

Check out this quick post on the Disney Baby blog.  


Here is a quick update on what's going on with Lydia!

Lydia is chunking up and weighs 12 pounds now.  She is 23 inches long.  We're working on rolling over and practicing sitting up with assistance.  She is blowing raspberries, sticking out her tongue, sucking on her bottom lip, and she loves to nibble her fingers.  She's starting to reach for her toys and hold on to more things.  This week we visit Occupational Therapy to see if it's safe to try tasting things.  The answer is YES!!! because Mom and Dad have already been trying out flavored infant gum/toothpastes with her.  I'll wait for official word before trying anything else!  Enjoy the photos!  PS: I've given up on taming the hair.



  1. There is no taming/controlling nature, your only path is respect.

  2. There is no taming/controlling nature, your only path is respect.


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...