Saturday, August 19, 2023

Finishing summer strong.

Once Lydia got all patched up we finished the summer as strong as possible.  
No pool time with her stitches so we found other ways to beat the heat.

Rain delays turned sunny skies for Girl Scout Day at the K and Library Day at the K.

Legoland at Camp Grandma... 
Lydia joined a new camp since she couldn't attend outdoor camp with her stitches.


Cheer Class!

New glasses since the other ones snapped when she fell.

Annual Riggs Slip 'n' Slide with the neighbors!  
First day Lydia could be back in the water and start wearing sunscreen on her stitches. 

Bike rides, baby sitters, soccer practice and Craft Putt.

The Stinger's fall season has the rain turned scorching heat.  Team snow cone trip after the game!  Then #54 finished out the day in Pat's garage, watching golf and playing slots.  

Now it's almost time for 3rd Grade!


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