Sunday, April 30, 2023

Hippity Hoppity April came and went

April weather was also hippity hoppity up and down.  One day winter coats, the next day shorts! Good to finally get outside, work in the yard, take walks and ride scooters...when the wind wasn't blowing us over.  

Lydia got to go to the real deal salon for her haircut because I'm sick of cheap places messing it up.

We watched a really cold soccer game and spent some time with Leah and Brian one weekend!

Warm days spent outside playing and chowing.

We are building a new library in Merriam and I was able to sign a beam before it went into the building.  So if you're around in 75 years when someone tears it down, look for my signature.  #love4lydia

Lydia had an Antiques Roadshow project at school and needed to take something old.  Dan and I gathered some things up, offered to go to the antique store or to grandparent's houses.  Nope, she wasn't interested and it was kind of a hard concept. I really wanted her to take an old phone or Walkman, she wanted to take her first ever LOL doll.  We landed on Great Grandma's vintage mother of pearl bangle bracelets.  Okay! 

Soccer Began!  Lydia started playing soccer on the Stingers team and is trying hard, learning lots and having an absolutely terrific time!  We've had good weather and 37 degree weather and thus is the life of a soccer mom I suppose.

Happy Easter!

The Brownie Troop earned their first aid badge by making first aid kits, learning about all the items and role playing what they would do in case of emergencies.  It was an awesome experience!

Lydia had a field trip to Lego Land and Kaleidoscope!  She is loving her typing practice on mom's Chromebook.  We had an almost matching shacket day and a Chipotle date night.

Soap Making from Aunt GiGi's Easter gift and a new nightgown for Felicity!

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...