Sunday, April 30, 2023

First Holy Communion for Lydia Rose


Lydia Rose Riggs
First Holy Communion
April 29, 2023

Lydia celebrated her First Holy Communion.  She was so excited and nervous.  She looked lovely in her dress and veil and felt so special.  I know she was anxious and she was amazing, brave and courageous walking up the aisle to received the Body of Christ for the first time.  We're so proud of her.

The First Holy Communion banner Lydia and I made together.

We were joined by Lydia's Godparents, Uncle Brian and Aunt Jen.  
Grandma & Papa and Nana & Papa also joined, of course.  Lydia's cousins were able to attend as well.  So blessed we could all be together on such a special day for Lydia. 
Excited to celebrate Jillian next weekend!


Grandma gifted Lydia an American Girl Doll outfit to match hers.  Leah received the same on her First Communion and was the inspiration.  I put it out just as we were walking out the door to go to church so she could be surprised when we returned.  

This wooden cross has been around awhile.  Mom puts it out every Lent with a purple cloth on it as decoration.  Dad and I made it when I was in 6th Grade for a school project.  
The music box was gifted to me for my First Communion in 1992 or was it 1991? 
 You be the judge based on style, here is a throwback.

And no celebration is complete without cookies from Tracy at One Extra Cookie.  
She does incredible work and they taste delicious too!

Growth Hormone is Back ... but there are hoops!

Growth Hormone is back at our specialty pharmacy!  YAY!  

It was just over a month and a half that we were without.  Doesn't seem like a long time and I'm grateful it wasn't any longer but it seemed like an eternity to us.  When you've seen how awesome it's been for Lydia for 2.5 years and then to not have it.  Yikes.  

It's not an easy process to refill it each month - lots of red tape because supply is still limited - but we have it!

Hippity Hoppity April came and went

April weather was also hippity hoppity up and down.  One day winter coats, the next day shorts! Good to finally get outside, work in the yard, take walks and ride scooters...when the wind wasn't blowing us over.  

Lydia got to go to the real deal salon for her haircut because I'm sick of cheap places messing it up.

We watched a really cold soccer game and spent some time with Leah and Brian one weekend!

Warm days spent outside playing and chowing.

We are building a new library in Merriam and I was able to sign a beam before it went into the building.  So if you're around in 75 years when someone tears it down, look for my signature.  #love4lydia

Lydia had an Antiques Roadshow project at school and needed to take something old.  Dan and I gathered some things up, offered to go to the antique store or to grandparent's houses.  Nope, she wasn't interested and it was kind of a hard concept. I really wanted her to take an old phone or Walkman, she wanted to take her first ever LOL doll.  We landed on Great Grandma's vintage mother of pearl bangle bracelets.  Okay! 

Soccer Began!  Lydia started playing soccer on the Stingers team and is trying hard, learning lots and having an absolutely terrific time!  We've had good weather and 37 degree weather and thus is the life of a soccer mom I suppose.

Happy Easter!

The Brownie Troop earned their first aid badge by making first aid kits, learning about all the items and role playing what they would do in case of emergencies.  It was an awesome experience!

Lydia had a field trip to Lego Land and Kaleidoscope!  She is loving her typing practice on mom's Chromebook.  We had an almost matching shacket day and a Chipotle date night.

Soap Making from Aunt GiGi's Easter gift and a new nightgown for Felicity!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

March. What even happened?

Where did you go now, March?  It came in real nice, Clark.  It soured over Spring Break and I suppose had an upswing toward the end. 


Lydia and Rylee had a playdate after pajama day and they had a spa day with face masks!

Lydia got all geared up for soccer and practices began.  Games start in April!  She had a good dentist check up with her fake nails on.  

I feel like Lydia must have been pretty centered in March.  Lots of relaxation, yoga, quiet times...also, some of this was how she calmed down if she was mad about something. 

Lydia spent a day with Nana to kick off Spring Break and then WHAM!  Vomiting, fevers, chills, coughing and all the snot, mucus, phlegm...all of it...yuck.  Poor girl missed most of Mad Science Detective Camp and poor mom and dad caught the bug, we always do.


No St. Patrick's Day parades for us this year.  Kept it low profile because of the sickies, but Lydia did build a trap and lured a leprechaun in with fake gold coins.  She didn't catch it but did get some candy in her trap.

And then there was food, apparently, it looks like we ate a lot in March!  Lydia can be a good help in the kitchen but most of the time she just wants to play restaurant and she's usually the hostess, waitress and busser all in one.  I'm the cook...and usually the dishwasher. 

We checked the the Lenexa Winter Market and had lunch at the public market. She made me go to IHOP.  eh. We had some tasty mac n cheese at the Corner Bakery.

Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...