Friday, October 7, 2022

Come September

Soccer Tournaments in KC make for some fun family sideline fun.  
So glad to see these people and hang out at the soccer fields.  
The big kids got in some brewery time and toasted Papa Sealey on the first anniversary of his death.

Let the Red Friday's begin!

Impromptu Deanna Rose visit!

Dan and I escaped to the mountains.  It was quiet and relaxing and sad.  It's so nice to be there and enjoy those almost near enough to touch blue skies.  It's sad to know that Lydia can't be there without supplemental oxygen and impacts to her health.  Someday my sweet girl.

Another Papa Sealey moment in the mountains.  
Send "well shit" to any of us and we'll laugh out loud!

Firepit season is here!

So much style in one little girl.

Can't go to the mountains but we can go explore the forests of Nebraska at Arbor Day Farm.  
We had so much fun wandering the trails, climbing on obstacles and apple picking. 


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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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