Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Soaking up July


July came in went and I'm not sure what happened. It was hot and we were in the water a lot, thus very few pictures. Lydia met up with the almost Brownie Troop at a splash pad that turned into the girls swimming under a waterfall in a shallow pond. They had a blast!  We hosted our annual slip 'n' slide in the backyard and enlarged the tarp this year.  Dan also scored a free slide and built a platform fit for a lifeguard stand. We spent an awesome day with the Cunningham's swimming and eating and laughing. It was good for the soul. Lydia visited Arrowhead Stadium on a camp field trip and saw Patrick Mahomes give a press conference.  She's a terrible liar so it's most likely a legit story.  We finished up the month with a much cooler week and spent some time at the Zoo. The month was capped off with a cool movie night and pizza party in the garage, is that al fresco?

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