Monday, August 29, 2022

It's Time for 2nd Grade!

August has been good to us.  We hit up the Monarch's and the Royal's.  
Visited the Cedar Cove Tiger Sanctuary and Lydia bridged from Daisies to Brownies. 
Lost some teeth... 
and most importantly, Lydia started 2nd Grade. 

This month also brought a Pulmonology Visit and a Sleep Study...wait to read the next blog.


Sneak Peak and Meet the Teacher

First Day of Second Grade


Front Tooth #1 and She's a Brownie now

Cedar Cove Tiger Sanctuary

Front Tooth #2 and #4 lost overall

Fun day at the K

And are ending the month home sick with cough and congestion.
Missing the first field trip to Wilderness Science Center.


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Soaking up July


July came in went and I'm not sure what happened. It was hot and we were in the water a lot, thus very few pictures. Lydia met up with the almost Brownie Troop at a splash pad that turned into the girls swimming under a waterfall in a shallow pond. They had a blast!  We hosted our annual slip 'n' slide in the backyard and enlarged the tarp this year.  Dan also scored a free slide and built a platform fit for a lifeguard stand. We spent an awesome day with the Cunningham's swimming and eating and laughing. It was good for the soul. Lydia visited Arrowhead Stadium on a camp field trip and saw Patrick Mahomes give a press conference.  She's a terrible liar so it's most likely a legit story.  We finished up the month with a much cooler week and spent some time at the Zoo. The month was capped off with a cool movie night and pizza party in the garage, is that al fresco?

Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...