Tuesday, March 8, 2022

We LOVE Endocrine

When Lydia turned one she had her first visit at the 22q11 clinic. This is a clinic with most of the specialists related to 22q11 pulled together.  We sit in a room and they all roll through one by one.  It's a super long day but it's a blessing to not have to schedule all those visits separately.

At her very first visit in 2016, we met with Dr. Feldt for the first time.  He is our Endocrinologist.  I remember his words to this day, "If anything is wrong with the Endocrine system, we can fix it."  Little did I know we would need to fix anything.  

For 5 years we did labs with okay results.  Lydia was growing in height and weight on a curve, never on the growth chart, but on her own curve.  Most of you know the typical kid growth chart and percentiles.  Lydia is on the 22q11 growth chart and percentiles since these kids are typically short in stature.

Lydia started Growth Hormone Therapy in October 2020 after her height started falling away from the curve.  Since that time she is injected with growth hormone before bed 6 nights a week. And because of that she's grown 6 inches in just under 1.5 years.  

She is now on the chart...the typical kid chart...for height and weight and wearing a size 6.  She is right where she is supposed to be. Thank goodness for growth hormone and an Endocrine visit for almost guaranteed good news!

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...