Saturday, October 9, 2021

Fresh Starts, Goodbyes, a Change of Seasons.

Mom and Dad were able to go into school this year!  We saw the entire building, sat at Lydia's desk, and met her teacher.  Cheers to this year - First Grade!

Celebrated our first RED Friday at School and Dad's first day of a NEW Job!

Sometimes Lydia and Everly walk to school together. 
Sometimes they battle the bad guys with light sabers and a bow and arrows.

We were able to spend some time with our St. Louis family this month.  It was bittersweet as we were saying our final goodbyes to Papa Sealey.  So good for us to see these faces.

Lydia hosted her first produce stand.  Tomatoes!  
Thanks to our awesome neighbors she made enough for a new LOL Doll.

Mom and Dad headed to Mexico so Grandma stayed with Lydia for the week.
They hung out with Papa, too, picking apples and loading up the truck.

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall.  Summer was a rough one for us and fall is proving to be filled with just as many viruses and days home but we will trudge on toward surgery and hopefully some relief.  

Let's enjoy October in the moment.


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