Saturday, April 24, 2021

Good to have a more normal Easter this year.

Colored Easter Eggs with Grandma.  We may have experimented and combined all sorts of dyes and colorings for really bright eggs.  And, I forgot to take a picture of them. 

Lydia did not want the Easter Bunny in her room.  The Leprechaun was allowed, but no bunnies.  She also woke up around 1am, 4am and then finally 5:45am.  We all were able to see the sunrise on Easter!

I love Egg Hunt photos! She found all but one and even Papa couldn't find it.  Here they are counting her money and seeing what was in her basket that was hidden in the fire pit!

Aunt Gigi and Nana hid probably over one hundred eggs in the yard!
Here is the gang of egg hunters!


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Springtime Smile

Riding bikes, finally!  We gave her this bike for her 5th birthday.  She wasn't strong enough.  Now 9 months later and 6 months into Growth Hormone Therapy, she's cycling through the streets!

Tap is more her style, it's a little louder.

Playdates with Schoolmates!

Painting Easter Flowers for Grandma and Nana.  Lydia has been doing extra math homework to make sure she has this subtraction thing Kindergarten...I don't think I was doing that. 

Learning about recycling at Daisies 
and eating lima beans thanks to A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon.

Miss Grace is so much fun!  Each week brings something new, props and games!

The living room has become so much more lately.  Wrestling Ring and Pillow Fort.


Friday, April 16, 2021

Twinkle Toes!

Introducing my Ballerina and Tap Dancer, Lydia!
She was nervous and we talked a lot about this experience for days leading up to it.  
She rallied and walked right in with her teacher, Ms. Grace. Looks like she had a really good time.  Each girl got to solo dance and Lydia spent most of her twirling time doing cartwheels.  
She said she was practicing for Gymnastics - that's Saturday's class!


Friday, April 9, 2021

Spring Break 2021

Well we didn't do much but we did something.  The original plan for Lydia, Mom and I to head out to Colorado to purchase furniture for the house near Leadville.  Then they got covered in snow, lots of it.  Great for Spring Break skiing, not so fun for furniture shopping.  So we stayed home and had fun!

Lydia loved the bus this time and the grocery store and diner - her usual favorites.

She got the GOOGLECORN!  It's really a Rainbowcorn.  Not sure why she calls it googlecorn.  
It took Elena, Leah and I a while to figure out what she was even talking about! 

Playground time!

Cabela's for the fish and animal viewing.  NFM for the chair spinning.

Lots of fun on the hills at the Legends!  We really didn't shop.  We bought Lydia a pair of new shoes and ate icecream.  We were there for these hills I tell ya!

We had some of our first meals out of the pandemic.  
Got more comfortable with each one and still not sure I'm ready for more.

Swimming!  Experiments!

Bike riding and US Toy!


Friday, April 2, 2021

Thank You Olathe Police Department!

The Daisy Troop got to visit the Olathe Police Department and see some cool vehicles.  We also got some fun Olathe PD swag.  Thank you Officer Boyer and Sergeant Smith.


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...