Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Artic Blast

Personally, I love winter.  I'm a cold weather person so this didn't bother me.  Was it a little colder than I needed, yes. Was it a little snowier than I needed, no.  Could have used a foot more!

Thankfully BV stayed in school most of the days other districts were canceling.  
We trekked to and know, uphill both ways in the snow and rain and all that.

We had a few home learning days and a few cold weather days more because the power outages were rolling through.  The other side of our street was out for 6 + hours.  We never lost power!

Valentine's Day came and went in the frigid cold.  Lydia received a candy bouquet from Daddy!

Lydia dressed up as Anna and Elsa, very appropriate for the frigid temps.  
Aerial would have been a poor choice. 

I straightened Lydia's hair.  She did something to mine. 

We celebrated Grandma and Grandpa's birthdays as soon as PaPa was home from Colorado.


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