Friday, March 26, 2021


Lydia has been working so hard at perfecting her cartwheel.

She's able to stick some landings now.

I even see the signs of a round off coming, which is way more fun!


Thursday, March 18, 2021


Look who joined the glasses club!  She was complaining of not being able see in class and needing glasses like Elena.  So could she not see or did she just want glasses like her cousin?  She does get very close to worksheets.  We went for another check up and she needed correction.  Her dreams came true.

These are bright pink, kind of raspberry, with teal sides.

She seems to be doing well in them and wearing them with her mask isn't causing any issues.  
Adding a sweater to her outfit in the picture below ages her a few years and makes me wonder what profession she's going to go in to.

STOP IT!  I'm sure bias but dang she's cute!

Pajama Day at school.  She decided to do it JoJo style.  JoJo shoes, nightgown and hairbow. 
Rock on sweet girl.  Dream Crazy Big!


Monday, March 15, 2021


Lydia used to stay with Grandma on Thursdays.  Almost every Thursday they would go to Wonderscope.  It was right down the street in Shawnee.  We obviously stopped going last March and hadn't been back since.  In the meantime they opened a new facility and we finally made the trip!

Lots of new climbing structure suspended in mid air, like a bus that sticks out the side of the building!

Getting her ready to take on the river this summer!

The girl already knows how to use tools.  You can't escape that with Papa and Daddy around.

And lastly, her favorite place on this planet, the grocery store.  She shopped a little but she really came to life when she started working at the store.  Who knew she could manage those carts so well.  She does love Hy-Vee, she's been watching them do it all these years.  Maybe a first job?


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Finally tall enough to warrant a new bed!

Lydia never climbed out of her crib.  We probably tortured ourselves by making her crib a toddler bed too soon, but she was going on 4 years old!  She was still sleeping in her toddler bed and we decided the President's Day sale was the right time to get the new bed and mattress!  It's all about the coupons! 
Thanks to her growth hormones, Lydia is now 40" tall and was getting a little long for that toddler bed anyway.  Now she has plenty of room to grow bigger, bigger, bigger!

She kept her toddler bed mattress under her twin bed in case Daddy needs to sleep on it.  Shenanigans! 

My favorite part is laying in bed with her at night and reading books!


Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Artic Blast

Personally, I love winter.  I'm a cold weather person so this didn't bother me.  Was it a little colder than I needed, yes. Was it a little snowier than I needed, no.  Could have used a foot more!

Thankfully BV stayed in school most of the days other districts were canceling.  
We trekked to and know, uphill both ways in the snow and rain and all that.

We had a few home learning days and a few cold weather days more because the power outages were rolling through.  The other side of our street was out for 6 + hours.  We never lost power!

Valentine's Day came and went in the frigid cold.  Lydia received a candy bouquet from Daddy!

Lydia dressed up as Anna and Elsa, very appropriate for the frigid temps.  
Aerial would have been a poor choice. 

I straightened Lydia's hair.  She did something to mine. 

We celebrated Grandma and Grandpa's birthdays as soon as PaPa was home from Colorado.


Monday, March 8, 2021

Thank You!


Thank you for your undeniable need and desire for girl scout cookies.  
We'll be sure to hit you up again next year.  

Lydia sold 274 boxes of cookies.  Her goal was 100.  
Thank you so much!

Friday, March 5, 2021

Well that didn't go as planned.

We dressed up!  We bought amazing cookies!

We made so many signs!

We ate delicious foods!

We lost without scoring a touchdown and we aren't talking about it.


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...