Friday, October 25, 2019

Surgery next week and happy days ahead.

Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, October 29th at 11:00am.  The actual procedure is quick and she's only scheduled to be in the operating room for 2.5 hours.  Dr. Arganbright will do an adenoidectomy, inferior turbinate reduction and place a new set of ear tubes.  She'll also do a bronchoscopy to make sure Lydia's airway is healthy and safe. 

Our biggest hope is that this procedure will allow Lydia to breathe through her nose and not be a mouth breather morning, noon and night.  That will help her sleep and rest better, thus making mornings more delightful and helping her grow. 

We hoped this was an outpatient procedure and it still may be but we're packing our bags for an overnight stay.  This will be the first time in the hospital that Lydia is eating orally and will be ordering from the room service menu.  We're trying to use that as a high point.  

On to other news and photo updates!  Dan and I have both been traveling a lot since September and Lydia does not enjoy it.  She's handled it all pretty well and is definitely glad I'm home. 

Red Friday!

Lydia and Grandma spend most Thursday mornings at Wonderscope! 

Soccer happened this fall and it's hit or miss with Lydia.

We had a sick day or two in October but nothing a pink nightgown won't fix.

Red Friday!

Preschool Charlie Brown Church
Her School of Religion classroom has Peanuts decor.

Reading books at Kohls!

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