Wednesday, August 14, 2019

STL ladies takeover KC!

Leah, Elena and Jillian came to KC to spend a week with Mama, Aunt Kinsley and Lydia.  

We made ice cream cone peanut butter bird feeders.  And then it rained. :-(

We spent a day in Topeka.  First stop, the Capitol.

After a few hours at the zoo we rode the train and carousel at Gage Park.

Shatto Milk Co. Tour and Tasting!

Making breakfast at MaMa's house!  A job for everyone.

Time to get messy in Daddy's/Uncle Brian's old Stag T-Shirts.

We enjoyed a few picnics at the parks and a lot of playgrounds. 

Girls night at the Royals Game in our Tie-Dye Masterpieces!

Exploring Downtown.  We started at the Money Museum, 
rode the Streetcar, and had Caramel Latte Blenders at Crown Center.

And last but not least we were all a little underwhelmed by the Lion King.

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