Thursday, May 9, 2019

My Sleeping Beauty

I love to watch her sleep.  That is, when she sleeps.  We are battling bedtime.  Lydia still naps at school and I believe that is the number one culprit.  She naps at school so she doesn't go to sleep until 9 or 9:30 or 10.  Bedtime is 8:00, so that 1 to 2 hours of bedtime drama.  Lydia can now reach the light switch and knows how to turn on the lamp.  All of her toys and books are out of reach so she chooses to play with book ends, socks, shoes, whatever is in reach.  When Lydia doesn't nap she's asleep by 7:30 or 8:00.  Next year she won't be taking a nap at school.  I can't wait!

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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