Thursday, May 30, 2019

Friday, May 24, 2019

Send your wish list item by June 3!

Each year for Lydia's birthday we support a Children's Mercy Hospital clinic or a non-profit organization that has helped our family. So far we've collected blankets for the PICU at CMH, donated hundreds of snacks to the Ronald McDonald Living Room at CMH, and collected toys for the Home Vent Clinic to give to kids who get their trachs removed.

This year we are supporting Camp Systole, a camp for children with congenital heart defects. Camp Systole provides a safe environment for these children to experience the fun of camp. Doctors and nurses volunteer to take care of children’s medical needs and run camp activities. Children build relationships with their doctors and nurses while they meet other kids just like them.

You can contribute and support these children by purchasing an item off the Amazon Wish List for camp this June.  Please have your items purchased off the wish list by June 3rd so they arrive in time!

Lydia Makes Lunch.

Lydia helps Daddy make lunch almost everyday.  
She nibbles his chips before putting them in the bag.  
She laughs when the mustard and mayo containers toot. 
She always makes sure he packs cheese for lunch.
She puts all the food in the bag for him trick-or-treat style.


Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Zebra Class Open House

Valley View preschool hosted a night to celebrate our youngest learners! 
Lydia's class, the Zebras, was on stage in the sanctuary and sang songs. 

She hosted us in her classroom and showed us all the wonderful things she's been working on, 
like growing grass, painting rainbows, making kites, and creating a book about herself.


Back Row: Gage, Mabry and Sam
Front Row: Henry, Lydia, Chase, Myles

Lydia's class made a group art project that was created with food coloring, rubbing alcohol and fire!  It's really a neat piece of work.  There was an art raffle and of course we stuffed the ticket box and won!  It now resides on our fireplace. 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Popcorn, Please!

Lydia's interest and consumption of food has really been improving.  She's not eating plates or bowls full, but she's truly eating more.  About a month ago she would be interested and chew food up, but it was always spit out.  Now she's swallowing!  She will try everything and very rarely doesn't like something.  She is really into tomato soup and popcorn right now...and by really into I mean eating a few very tiny spoonfuls and maybe 1/8 of a cup on a good day.  It's progress!  

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Strawberry Fields Forever

We went to Crown Center and saw the Beat Bugs musical at the Coterie Theatre. 

The Wizard of Oz Storyland exhibit was open to play in.  There was a super creepy Wicked Witch that inflated and rose up from the puddle of water.  Not our favorite part!

Friday, May 10, 2019


Frozen on Ice came to Topeka, not KC, so we loaded up and went to T-Town of course!  Lydia was excited, sang the songs before the show and paid attention throughout the entire program.  She got an overpriced light up wand to replace the Abby Cadabby one she got at Sesame Street Live.  I thought it was a really good show and I just loved Sven!  :-)  

Afterward we met Papa for lunch and he took Mama to Manhattan for a KState Baseball game.  We took the long road home from Topeka thru Lawrence and Baldwin City...naptime!  Lydia didn't go to bed until after 10:00 the night before because she was excited to see the show.  

Thursday, May 9, 2019

My Sleeping Beauty

I love to watch her sleep.  That is, when she sleeps.  We are battling bedtime.  Lydia still naps at school and I believe that is the number one culprit.  She naps at school so she doesn't go to sleep until 9 or 9:30 or 10.  Bedtime is 8:00, so that 1 to 2 hours of bedtime drama.  Lydia can now reach the light switch and knows how to turn on the lamp.  All of her toys and books are out of reach so she chooses to play with book ends, socks, shoes, whatever is in reach.  When Lydia doesn't nap she's asleep by 7:30 or 8:00.  Next year she won't be taking a nap at school.  I can't wait!

Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...