Monday, April 8, 2019

What do shrimp, cookies and wrestling have in common?

We enjoyed our annual fried shrimp dinner with MaMa and PaPa this past Friday night.  Lydia was in charge of the salad and setting the table.  I was in charge of the shrimp.  Pajama ride home thinking for sure she'd fall asleep since it was after 8:30 when we left.  Nope, wide awake when we got home.

Easter sugar cookie making the next day.  MaMa was in charge of rolling and cutting.  Lydia was in charge of sprinkles...she dusted off about 5 bottles!  :-)  I was in charge of baking.  Yum!

Lydia is getting the hang of her scooter!  The balance bike is a bit heavy for her to hold up and move at the same time.  She's trying to use the tricycle and does good if we steer and push a bit.  The 4x4 remains her favorite.  Who doesn't like battery operated?

Sunday night was WRESTLEMANIA!!!  Lydia was ready and kept asking "Who's those guys?" about her t-shirt.  She does the Hulk Hogan, the John Cena and the Randy Orton. 

Hulk moves.

You can't see me. 

About to become the Apex Predator. 


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...