Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter Blessings!

The Easter Bunny visited and left a basket for Lydia.  
It was full of stickers, window clings, bath bombs, 
gardening gloves, musical instruments and binoculars.

The Easter Bunny also left eggs at Gma & PaPa's house.  
Lydia chased them down in the windy conditions and found her 
Easter Basket and a complete set of Beatrix Potter books. 


Can you believe it?  
The Easter Bunny went to Aunt GiGi's and Uncle Nick's too.  
These two goofs found all the eggs!

Lydia is a happy girl that parties hard.   
Her joy and spirit around people is contagious.  
Her smile gets bigger, her laugh gets louder and she lights up the room!

Musical Easter Prep

Gma has taught Lydia to find Middle C on the piano...
and to play HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  No joke.  The kid has musical talent. 

Sneaky eyes.

Checking the progress. 

Blowing them dry. 


Lydia fixed a feast for us on Saturday night in her playhouse.  
We dined alfresco at the picnic table.

Chef Lydia! 

KC Symphony Petite Performances

Lydia wants to be a conductor when she grows up. Today was her first visit to the Kauffman Center for a petite performance with the string instruments. She was mesmerized by the violist who played Brahms Hungarian Dance No. 5 on demand when she requested it.

Monday, April 8, 2019

What do shrimp, cookies and wrestling have in common?

We enjoyed our annual fried shrimp dinner with MaMa and PaPa this past Friday night.  Lydia was in charge of the salad and setting the table.  I was in charge of the shrimp.  Pajama ride home thinking for sure she'd fall asleep since it was after 8:30 when we left.  Nope, wide awake when we got home.

Easter sugar cookie making the next day.  MaMa was in charge of rolling and cutting.  Lydia was in charge of sprinkles...she dusted off about 5 bottles!  :-)  I was in charge of baking.  Yum!

Lydia is getting the hang of her scooter!  The balance bike is a bit heavy for her to hold up and move at the same time.  She's trying to use the tricycle and does good if we steer and push a bit.  The 4x4 remains her favorite.  Who doesn't like battery operated?

Sunday night was WRESTLEMANIA!!!  Lydia was ready and kept asking "Who's those guys?" about her t-shirt.  She does the Hulk Hogan, the John Cena and the Randy Orton. 

Hulk moves.

You can't see me. 

About to become the Apex Predator. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Maxim Graduation

The kind people at Maxim came to the house to give Lydia a diploma and graduation cap last week when they picked up her paperwork and some supplies.  She refused to wear the cap or take pictures the day Amy and Katelyn visited.  I've not been successful with the cap but she did pose with it this morning.  Here is our photo shoot!  Piggy graduated too.  He's been ours since the day Lydia came home from the hospital.  Thank you, always and forever, to the wonderful people at Maxim that recruit, hire and schedule home healthcare nurses for kids like Lydia and families like ours.  Amy, Heather, Katelyn, Kurt, Mary, Shelby, are doing fabulous work every day!

Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...