Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Sunday Funday in the Snow!

Luckily Mom picked up a new $5 fishing game the night before. 
We played it at least a dozen times on Sunday. 


We watched it snow. We watched Netflix.  We watched Disney.

We took a bubble bath.  We read books.  We made lunch.

We decorated.  We folded laundry.  We slept. 

So mommy and daddy played in the snow after bedtime.  
We scraped and shoveled and salted.

And then Mommy asked Daddy, "do you want to build a snowman?"

Rose bush arms.  Coal buttons.  
Brussel sprout nose.  Cranberry eyes.  
New York Yankees stocking cap.

Thanksgiving Day 2018

It's the most wonderful day of the year!  

It's the weather, the parade, the food, the fun!  

Mama, Papa, Lydia and Mom headed to St. Louis for Thanksgiving at the Krupich household.  Daddy couldn't join us because of work on Friday but he had his own fun with the Shemwell's and Cunningham's!

Dinner Prep, Puzzle Doing, Picture Drawing, HyVee-ing.

Lydia Rose as Princess Anna of Arendelle! 

Leah 9, Elena 6, Jillian 3, Lydia 3

Bike rides!  Wagon rides!  Cozy Coup rides!  We walked around the neighborhood, played softball, basketball, volleyball, we scooted and rode and pedaled and did anything else we could find with wheels that required a helmet.  Great weather to get outside!

Friday, not so great weather so we went bowling! 

Which required a nap because of how much fun it was. 

Jillian's 4th Barbie Birthday Party!

Friday, November 16, 2018

November News

1. We have a new nurse and she's awesome.  She is currently on loan to us from another patient.  I am hoping we can work out a way to keep her on Mondays!

2. I got a sinus infection and almost double ear infection and lost my voice.  So that was fun.

3. I spent a whole day with my mom Christmas shopping.  It was much needed time together.

4. We are starting to push Lydia more on eating and swallowing.  She's not really progressing, BUT we scheduled our first visit with the feeding therapist on December 6th.  

5. Lydia and I are home together today because, well, fevers of 101, that's why.  We're going to watch Christmas movies and Annie.

Lydia is a model and a poser.

Lydia is a style icon.

Lydia knows what she is thankful for and wears it on her head. 

Lydia is a magna-tile engineer.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Halloween Haunts

Lydia was ready for her Halloween Party at school!  She told me that the plates, napkins, cups, food and hamburgers were all from Hy-Vee.  I know for a fact the plates and napkins were not because I bought them.  I'm also 99% sure they didn't have hamburgers!

Lydia's class is made up of 7 boys and 3 girls.  Lydia is quite fond of Henry and Myles and most recently Gage and Sam.  Henry is the police officer, Gage is the Ghostbuster, Chase or maybe Liam is Mickey, Myles is the firefighter and Sam was a character from Paw Patrol but is not pictured.

After party and parade photo shoot! 


Lydia went trick or treating up and down our street.  We have terrific neighbors!  She saw all of her neighborhood friends.  Lydia was star struck when twin Anna's came to the door!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Lydia's 1st Visit to the KC Zoo!

 Sunday, October 28th was zoo day!  Lydia's big potty training reward was a visit to the zoo.  It was her very first trip to the zoo.  I'm not the kind of mom that is going to drag a baby to the zoo when the baby is going to have no clue they ever went to the zoo.  

Judge me if you want!

Lydia seemed to like the snakes and how "big big big" they were.

Lydia all but climbed into this sheep's pen. 

Train ride on the Orange Train!  Lydia had a great time and enjoyed the first tunnel.  She was geared up for the second tunnel when every other kid on the train decided to scream and it scared her.  Now she builds tunnels with her magna tiles and knocks them down saying, "No, no tunnel" and shaking her finger. 

The penguins were a hit.  Who doesn't love a good penguin showing?

The elephants were also quite active.  It's rare to see 7 elephants movin' and groovin'.

Obligatory hay bales and pumpkins pics at Boo at the Zoo.  Oh yeah, it was Boo at the Zoo.   Lydia didn't want to wear her costume and she didn't care about any of the candy lines or activities.  That's a win for mom and dad!  

Dan told Lydia that since we drove the truck she could pick out any one animal to bring home to live in the backyard. She wanted the rhino...until she saw the hippo! 

We almost got to see the chimps, then we had a potty emergency.  
It was her one accident of the day.  I'd say that's pretty good for being 
newly potty trained and at the zoo for 4.5 hours.

Coolest dude at the zoo.

Beautiful pictures that should have been captured on the boat ride...that I didn't get to go on...again...because it's only round trip...and we were out of time...and and and.  
#someday #zooboatdreams

Zebra Tram! 

Lydia got to pick out one thing from the gift shop and she choose a Stuffed Panda Magnet.  There are no pandas at the KC Zoo.  It's name is Kung Fu Panda.  Duh.

Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...