Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Preschool Church, Playgrounds and Playhouses!

Lydia started School of Religion at Prince of Peace.  She calls it Preschool Church and like her teacher, Miss Brooke.  Lydia has learned "Jesus Loves Me" and the Sign of the Cross.

We took advantage of the last warm day and headed to the playground.

The cold weather set in so we bundled up and headed to Lowe's one Sunday and then snuggled up for the Chiefs Game. 


Hot Air Balloons are a frequent attraction near our house!

Lydia playing in her playhouse and kitchen.

Lydia's Preschool Class had a homework assignment to decorate a Jack-O-Lantern 
out of things they had at home.  
We used stickers, ribbon, washi tape, glitter glue and cupcake toppers. 

Lydia enjoys trying on everyone's shoes.  She does best with flip flops.  
These boots were a bit too high.

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