Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Preschool Church, Playgrounds and Playhouses!

Lydia started School of Religion at Prince of Peace.  She calls it Preschool Church and like her teacher, Miss Brooke.  Lydia has learned "Jesus Loves Me" and the Sign of the Cross.

We took advantage of the last warm day and headed to the playground.

The cold weather set in so we bundled up and headed to Lowe's one Sunday and then snuggled up for the Chiefs Game. 


Hot Air Balloons are a frequent attraction near our house!

Lydia playing in her playhouse and kitchen.

Lydia's Preschool Class had a homework assignment to decorate a Jack-O-Lantern 
out of things they had at home.  
We used stickers, ribbon, washi tape, glitter glue and cupcake toppers. 

Lydia enjoys trying on everyone's shoes.  She does best with flip flops.  
These boots were a bit too high.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

We have a graduate!

Lydia Rose has been asked not to return to speech therapy because she's chatting it up like a typical 3 year old. 

My mom has taken Lydia to speech therapy on Thursdays for the past couple of months.  The notes from therapy started decreasing with fewer things to work on.  I was worried that her therapist and I weren't communicating as well because we weren't seeing each other at the appointments anymore.  Not the case at all.  Lydia's vocabulary, pronunciation, articulation and clarity have all improved to the point that services are no longer needed.  

Ann Kirkland at Children's Therapy Services was a blessing.  We related to her in a comfortable and friendly way.  Lydia and Ann bonded immediately and Lydia looked forward to speech therapy each and every week.  Ann taught us so much and helped us work with Lydia in developmentally appropriate ways.  We owe them so much!

Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...