Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Potty Charts are Dumb

I'm not sure why potty charts exist.  Maybe to make me think I have some say in the matter.  Lydia has had a potty chart up since she turned 3.  She's gotten many sticker and a few rewards over the past 2.5 months.  Nothing is clicking with her though.  Perhaps she's being stubborn but prefer to think she's just not ready.  She's been on a bit of a delayed schedule with everything she's been through and maybe this is another part of that.  My hope is that she's potty trained by 3.5 years old.  That would be an awesome birthday and Christmas for me!

Anyway.  So far on the potty chart she has earned a new movie, a new toy, a sleepover at Mama & Papa's house, and a trip to Deanna Rose Farmstead.  We went this Saturday morning and she is still the same goat whisperer from last summer.  She does not let them take control, she controls the goat.  Lydia grabs their face and pushes the goat away as she determines the milk limits of each goat she feeds and pushes on to the next lucky goat.  

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