Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Colorado Adventure

Mom and Dad were spending a month in Colorado, so why not join them for a week?

We drove out to Colorado and made excellent time.  I really thought Lydia was going to be cranky and need more stops, but turns out she's a traveler and took it all in stride.  She didn't sleep a wink on our drive from 6am to 6pm.  Geesh!  

Dan helped Dad clear the lot for their future vacation home in the mountains.  It was a lot of work so we fed them well each morning and night.  They were on their own for lunch because we were on a mission to see and do.

Grandma, Mom and Lydia visited Twin Lakes, Buena Vista, Salida, Fairplay, Red Cliff, Minturn and Leadville.  We went to many parks and downtown areas.  We went to libraries, fish hatcheries, trails, and mining districts.  We drove on by-ways, visited Camp Hale, and kept an eye on the guys' progress at the lot.

We finished our trip with Lydia's first MLB game at Coors Field.  The Rockies lost in a heartbreaking finish to the Cincinnati Reds.  

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