Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I'm going to stop taking Lydia to the doctor.

Okay, not really, but I'm fed up.  

I'm taking control of Lydia's medical appointments starting right now.  

The last two months have been nuts.  I'm sick of driving downtown.  I'm sick of everyone just giving us the thumbs up.  Is that all we came down here for?  I'm tired of clinics running late and the parking garage and the germs.  I no longer want to see every doctor, of which there are many, every six months. 

If she only needs to see her cardiologist once a year, why on earth does she need to see anyone else more than that.  Her ticker is in good shape, she can breath on her own and we can feed her.  That about covers the basics.

Are you still reading this rant?  Thanks!  

My plan for Friday is to call the scheduling line at CMH and move all of her non-urgent appointments to June.  In June we'll go to the doctor, all of them.  Cardiology, Immunology, Endocrine, GI, Genetics, ENT, Audiology, Optometry, Plastics, Orthopedics, Dental, Neurology and whoever else thinks they need to see Lydia.  

Until June though, leave us alone.  We'll be enjoying life...and enjoying our in home therapy visits from ITSJC and PAT, and going to our week speech therapy appointments at CTS.

Today at the doctor we twirled.  


  1. Rant away, Kinsley! You are spot on from what you describe! -And so is Lydia with her twirling :-)

    1. Thank you, Beth! :-) I already rescheduled one appointment for June and pushed another back to a time more convenient for me. Feeling good about it!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...