Thursday, April 20, 2017

Surgery Scheduled: May 9th

Lydia's soft palate and sub mucus cleft repair surgery is scheduled for May 9th at CMH.

Here's a link to a previous post about the repair:

We will know the time of the surgery and pre-op instructions on Friday, May 5th.  The procedure will take 3 to 4 hours and the surgeon hopes to do the z-plasty repair.  It depends on the size of Lydia's airway and how much more tissue that will require.  

She will go to the PICU for post op recovery since she will be on the ventilator.  Lydia usually comes off the vent after surgery pretty quickly because of the trach.  She will either be discharged from the PICU, 4 Sutherland (the cardiac floor) or the general surgery floor.  We won't know until we are there and ready to move out of the PICU.  What gets her home?  Being able to tolerate her food and having her pain under control.  We are looking at a 2 to 3 night stay.

Recovery will be at least 2 weeks in the no-no's or arm boards.  I'm supposed to get larger long sleeved shirts to put over the arm boards so she doesn't try to take them off.  It takes about 4 to 6 weeks for the repair to fully heal and the stitches will dissolve in about 6 to 8 weeks.

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