Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Knock on Wood....Lydia is well!

It took 10 days, but I think we are over it!  Lydia had a really good night with no temperature, no Tylenol or ibuprofen and no oxygen.  She was even able to keep 2 full blended meals down at 8pm and 12am.  Oh and no albuterol or qvar inhalers since Monday evening.  This is huge!

It's been a really long 10 days.  I'm sure it's a long 10 days when any kiddo is sick and snotty, but add all the extra drama and it wipes a mom and dad out.  And her sickness came on top of a week with no nursing, so we were already juggling schedules for 4 days. Wiped me out and got me and my mom sick.  I'm recovering well in about 1/2 the time Lydia did.  Dad is still holding out as the healthy one!

So happy to be able to store the oxygen away and resume life as we know it.

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