Monday, May 23, 2016

Hey, remember our ER visit from Monday?

Repeat last night at 8:00pm.  Geesh.  When Lydia's trach comes out she shows no distress and her O2 saturations are 95-100%.  She's totally fine.  So, when it happens and we don't notice because of her cheek chub, her stoma starts to close and we can't get a trach back in. 

I called 911, about 4 firemen and a paramedic come in the house, followed by the 2 paramedics on the ambulance.  Get our stuff, grab some pjs and all of Lydia's trachs...we have a collection of about 6 now, make that 8 after this morning.  We ride in the ambulance and check into the ER. Dan followed behind us and could probably see our funny faces the whole way there. ER docs can't get the trach in.  ENT comes to the rescue and puts the trach in.  Sends us on our way.  Home by 11:45pm.

We cancelled night nursing since we knew we'd be getting home late.  We tried to go to sleep around 12:30am and woke up all through the night.  Lydia was sound asleep every time.  Just another Riggs family slumber party!

This morning we had an ENT follow up with Dr. Shah that was scheduled during our ER visit on Monday.  Lydia's stoma looked great, nothing like last night - it had definitely been closing and the trach out awhile.  She put in a Pediatric Bivona 3.0 instead of the NEO Bivona 3.0.  This is a longer trach that goes a tiny bit further into her trachea.  We also got the cap today, which Lydia is to wear for an hour if tolerated and increase by an hour each day.  We need to work up to wearing it all day long.  Then we can talk about sleep studies!  

I'm a walking zombie today.  Coffee.  Diet Coke.  Repeat.  


  1. We wondered what all the excitement was! The boys were very worried about Lydia! We are glad to know she is okay! Aimee

  2. does the cap allow her to try and breath in other ways? She is a cutie pie!!!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...