Friday, July 31, 2015

We're Rule Breakers!

The line has been drawn in the sand...

The teams have been chosen...

Who will win?  

The PICU and ENT doctors or The Cardiac doctors on the 4th floor

Every PICU doctor and nurse wants Lydia to go home!  Not kidding.  Dr. Allen, Dr. Vaughan, Dr. Ortmann, Dr. Miller-Smith and Dr. Flint have all either transferred her to the floor already or have tried to transfer her this week.  The Cardiac doctors still are scared of her breathing.  When you meet Lydia you'll know what this is all about.  She's a noisy kiddo and will be until she grows into her upper airway and can control her breathing a bit better.  

After I spoke with our patient advocate yesterday, she was immediately on the phone with Dr. Flint.  Lucky for us Dr. Flint was just as frustrated that the 4th floor wouldn't admit Lydia.  By the time we met up that afternoon, Dr. Flint had consulted all the appropriate parties and made the decision that Lydia would be discharged from the PICU, not the 4th floor.  This doesn't happen much.

We're rule breakers and proud of it.  We're coming home soon!  There is still a lot of training and things to check off, but the end is near.  Yippy!!!  Yay!!!  Now for the checklist.  We will have g-tube care and feeding training, oxygen training, monitor training, CPR training and a carseat screening and test before we checkout.  Lydia is coming home on oxygen, but who cares if our lil' diva needs a whiff of O2 to keep her happy, she's comin' home!

Now for picture overload!



  1. can't imagine her being a rule breaker with Dan as her Dad E O! HEHE!! Way to go Lydia- you are making your mark on the world! Can't wait to see pics of you at your first Royals game. Bless you all!

  2. Yaaay! So happy for all of you!!!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...