Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Have you met our friend Alex?

Knock! Knock!  Who's there?  Alex Gordon!  Royals Charities and 10 players and their wives showed up to show the kiddos at Children's Mercy some love today.  I was getting Lydia out of her swing when I heard a knock, turned and saw Gordo smiling in at us.  Definitely perked us up...well, it perked me up.  Lydia was cranky because she had a poopy diaper just as he was coming in.  We'll work on her timing later!  

So he hung out for a while, we had lunch, he changed her diaper, etc.  No, I'm kidding it was a pretty brief visit, but a happy one none the less.  It went about like this after introductions and awkward jovial talk about why she was crying:

A:  Who do we have here?
K: Lydia.
A: Hi, Olivia.
K: No, Lydia.
A: How old is she?
K: 5 weeks
A: I have a toy for her.
K: Thank you!
A: Think she'll want a ball cap or a shadow buddy?
K: Shadow Buddy sounds good. 
{Alex explains shadow buddy and autographs it}
{Kinsley retrieves phone for picture}
A: Where do you live?
{K: 1*0*3 W. 1**th Terr, want to come for dinner?  Will you bring Salvy & LoCain?} 
{A: Sure, but what if Moose and Dyson want to come?}
K: We live in Olathe.
A: We live in Overland Park.
{Kodak Moment}
K: Thanks for coming!  Great to meet you.
A: You're welcome.  Hope you get out of here soon.  See you at the ballpark!

Totally forgot to ask about the man's injury and how he was feeling.  Oh well

Salvy and LoCain must have gotten their days mixed up and forgot they were visiting us today.  They'll probably show up tomorrow. HA!

1 comment:

Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...