Monday, June 29, 2015

Awesome day for Lydia!

Lydia amazes us each and every day!  

We found out this morning that her chest would not be closed this afternoon.  At first I faltered and was disappointed, but then was told it wasn't because of her.  Lydia was ready for it!  Her surgeon had an emergency surgery come up this afternoon, so we're waiting for tomorrow, hopefully tomorrow.  

Lydia looked more like herself today because her swelling is down all over her body.  She was able to come off of her calcium and one of the three heart medications.  Lydia is getting her TPN fluids and Lipids, as well as more trophic feeds of breast milk.  She continues to breath on her own when she is awake, which is a good sign for how she will do off of ventilation.  

The best news of the day is that Lydia's heart is no longer relying on the pacemaker to keep a regular rhythm.  I've been waiting for this!  No matter how many times the doctors and nurses tell me it's normal for her to have the pacemaker, I don't like it.  My girl is doing it on her own now!

The nurse last night washed her hair and dolled her all up.  That bow!  The nurses keep putting it on and I keep taking it off.  I think it's a little much, but the bow is the least of my worries.  You can't see it in the picture, but her feeding tube sticker on her cheek is a colorful little elephant.  I truly appreciate all they do, including the cute stickers and bows!             


  1. Angels angels everywhere
    Living with them unaware
    Found in places unsuspected
    Watching you undetected
    Witnesses of God are they
    Testifying on your behalf
    Whispering words guiding you
    Catching you when you fall
    Always to needs attentive
    Model for the reflective


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...