Thursday, February 23, 2023

blinkers, eyeglasses, frames, rims, specs, spectacles


2023 New Pinkies

2022 Light Purple, the better replacement

2022 Dark Purple, lost on last day of 1st grade

2021, First Pair of Pinks

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Pulmonology Visit and we escaped the parade.


Lydia was supposed to see Psychology and Pulmonology on Chiefs Parade Day!  Nope.  Luckily we were able to push back psych and move pulm to Tuesday.  We trekked downtown at 6:45 for our 7:30am visit and ate donut holes afterwards.

All is looking...better...not good but better with her lungs.  Lung capacity and volume are increasing slightly.  Her peak flow measurement actually had a slight peak this time.  6 months ago it was a plateau.  Since her persistent winter cough is back and two antibiotics haven't killed it, we are culturing her mucus.  That means we spent extra time there trying to get Lydia to hock a loogie. 

Dr. Escobar thinks she can fly without oxygen.  Mrs. Riggs is not so sure after our night in the ER last summer in Colorado.  We agreed to get Lydia a High Altitude Simulation Test at KU or St. Luke's.  Well, they don't test kids.  Not sure yet if we have other options. 

So we're going to fly to Chicago this summer as a test run, cross our fingers we don't have any issues, and if it's a flop we'll drive home.  Do you know what happens if you are in flight and need oxygen?  Nothing, the airline can't give you oxygen.  They ground the plane.  I do not want to be responsible for grounding a flight of people not at their intended destination.  

January, you start the year off fine.


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...