Thursday, June 14, 2018

Happy Day Lydia!

From your Mommy:

Lydia Rose is turning 3 today! She is precious in every way, the sunshine in my day. She is the joy in my soul and the love of my life.

What a year my sweet girl has had. Lydia healed from her submucous cleft palate repair surgery. She started tiny tots gymnastics, passed her sleep study, and had her trach removed. Lydia graduated from the Home Vent Clinic, started speech therapy and Parents as Teachers, and visited a typical pediatrician for the very first time. We went to Sesame Street Live, took a Winter Solstice Luminary Walk, enrolled in Preschool, and then hid out for a couple months because of the measles. We took a trip to Colorado! She just aged out of Infant Toddler Services and now we prepare for Lydia to get her live vaccines and have her tonsil removed.

To use the words of Lydia Rose, “Happy Day!”

From your Daddy:

From the moment you were born you have shown us all what it means to be a fighter. You have punched your obstacles in the face and have become such a happy, hilarious and beautiful child.

I will forever be the lucky father of such a strong and incredible daughter. Two claps and a Ric Flair for my little girl! 

Happy Day Lydia Rose!

Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...