Friday, February 16, 2018

Valentine's Day!

It was a few fun filled days of love!

 We (they) painted the living room!

 We made cookies!

 We went furniture shopping!

  We ate at Chipotle!  

 We (I) got flowers from my barista and my love!

 We (she) wore her heart on her pants! 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

So this concludes heart week...

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All month long I've been blasting facebook with things about being a CHD warrior, a heart mom and a heart family.  Congenital heart defect awareness week is February 7 through the 14, so today concludes heart week.  I'm compiling on my facebook posts here for safe keeping and to continue educating anyone who stumbles upon them.  

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Lydia's CHDs are caused by her genetic deletion, 22q11, or DiGeorge.

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Lydia's defects are an interrupted aortic arch, ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, subaortic stenosis. Repaired with open heart surgery at 11 days old and 8 months old.
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Lydia is currently not on any medications. She gets a heart echo and EKG every year. She had also been cleared for typical anesthesia.
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Lydia's first operation was at 11 days old. Her heart was the size of a walnut. Her chest was left open for a week due to swelling and her tiny size. From the moment she went to surgery and then for another 10 days we could not hold her.

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Lydia's heart isn't perfect, it will never be fixed or normal. Every echo, chest x-ray and EKG will cause worry and fear. She's my favorite person and my hero. 💔💔💔 #chdbaby #chdwarrior #heartmom#heartdad #scarsarebeautiful #love4lydia#chdawareness #mendedhearts #heartday
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She's my world and my snuggle bug. #chdmom#myhero

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4th of July 2015. The first day we were able to hold Lydia after her open heart surgery on June 25, 2015.#prouddaddy #daddysgirl #bestiesforlife #twins
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I wear red for my daughter, Lydia, CHD warrior with IAA, ASD, VSD, and subaortic stenosis.#goredwearred #chdwarrior #goredforwomen#chdbaby #love4lydia 🍷🍎🌶️♥️👄👠👒💄🍒🍓🎈 Share your red pictures!

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Image may contain: 8 people, including Amy Szablewski, people smiling, text

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Medical lingo doesn't make much sense but once you've picked it up you feel like you're in with the cool kids. #chdwarrior #heartbaby #doctorslang
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How about some CHD awareness humor this weekend? This one goes out to Dr. Vaughn, best PICU doc but worst at waking our baby during rounds!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Just Because.

The Snow is Snowing


This picture makes me think of a scene from The Shining!  hehehe  

Lydia had the sniffles this weekend and still does, 
so no playing in the snow but she did enjoy watching it fall.

The snow is snowing, the wind is blowing
But I can weather the storm!
What do I care how much it may storm?
I've got my love to keep me warm

Thanks to everyone who wore red! #wearred #gored #chd

Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...