Monday, July 25, 2016

Car Seat Mania!

She's just a hoot.  She reminds me of an astronaut in these.  

We purchased our big girl car seat last week and it arrived Saturday.  We adjusted it to size and it's ready to install in mom's car.  Still need to purchase a 2nd for dad's truck.  

Lydia will enjoy the room and ride in style. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Look at these shorts!

Lydia won't keep her legs together.  She hasn't learned the etiquette of being a lady yet.  It's really hard to crawl when you won't put your knees together.  She's found really interesting other ways to move, just not the traditional crawl.  Well, she needs to work on this, but how do you make a 1 year old agree?  Your occupational therapist busts out the bball shorts...with the legs sewn together.  LOL!  It's kind of funny and it's working.  Lydia wears these most of the day, except for naps.  It forces her legs together when sitting, kneeling, standing or trying to crawl.  She's getting really close to having it all figured out and she's making a terrific fashion statement.

Monday, July 18, 2016

What's been going on with us?

We're just living the life!  Lydia has played with her water table a few times, first in the living room, then out on the deck.  It's a hit!  She likes to chew on the boat, sink her hippo, and spin the red wheel.  Dad likes to flip people off the diving board.  Mom likes to make a fountain with the palm tree. 

 Lydia's cousins from St. Charles came to visit Mama and Papa for a week and hung out a lot.  We ate way too much ice cream, if there is such a thing.  We visited Science City, Crown Center, Prairie Fire, Scheels, made a slip in slide and went swimming.  Leah and Elena probably deserve some cash for pushing the stroller, changing diapers and entertaining Lydia for hours!

Sunday, Lydia, Dad and Mom when car seat shopping.  
1. There is way too much to learn. 
2. There is way too much money in the industry.  
3. There is sales shopping and coupon-ing in our future.  
Lydia sat in a few seats and enjoyed them all.  She's going to love sitting more upright and spreading out.  It was a struggle to fall asleep last night, just couldn't sit still long enough to shut her eyes.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Bath Time!

We finally made the leap.  The leap from baby bath tub to big bath tub!  Why the delay?  Lydia has been a fully unsupported sitter for some time now, but it's the trach.  The trach terrifies me.  Water in the trach is a super no no since it's a pathway to her lungs.  So I'm a wee bit anxious at bath time.  Dad brings the smiles, fun and squirty bath toys.  

Alright, so no baby bath tub.  I couldn't just put her in the big tub.  We talked about using a laundry basket to keep her from moving around too much or from falling forward.  She doesn't know her limitations.  After talking to other trach moms we settled on a bath chair.  It's not fancy, but Amazon doesn't seem to know that.  

Lydia now has a diva bath chair and is having a blast!  She's kicking her feet all around in the bubbles, grabbing for her squirty toys, and reaching out to play in the water.  It's so fun!  Still a little terrifying for me when we're washing her hair, but hey, I'll deal.  Look at this kid!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...